Minister Malinov at the White House: Through U.S. supplies, Bulgaria will become a key factor for the energy security in the region

Minister Malinov at the White House: Through U.S. supplies, Bulgaria will become a key factor for the energy security in the region download this image

Our cooperation with Washington is crucial to ensuring cybersecurity for strategic infrastructure sites in the energy sector

“Bulgaria's excellent gas transmission system, as well as the significant capacity of regasification terminals in Greece and Turkey available to Bulgargaz, enable us to deliver substantial volumes of LNG to the countries of the region. This capacity can be used by U.S. producers and traders for strategic long-term deliveries and is a successful response to the challenges of diversification and substitution of Russian pipeline gas for the countries of South-East Europe”. That is what Energy Minister Vladimir Malinov said during his meeting at the White House with Stephen Burns, Director of Energy Security and Jeremy Long, Director for the Balkans and Central Europe at the U.S. National Security Council. Security of LNG supplies to Bulgaria and the region, along with the need to replace Russian gas, which currently prevails, were main topics of the talk. Minister Malinov drew serious attention to the fact that within the last six months there has been a return of Russian natural gas to the markets in Bulgaria and the region through intermediary firms. “In this context, it is necessary to carry out a thorough analysis of its impact on the market and possible measures to be taken,” the Energy Minister emphasized. In his words, LNG supplies from the United States play a key role in guaranteeing the energy security of Bulgaria and the region. “Deepening this co-operation is a top priority for the country,” he underlined as well.

Minister Malinov and his hosts at the White House also deliberated on ensuring cybersecurity for strategic infrastructures in the energy sector as part of Bulgaria's national security. “Enhancing the co-operation between the U.S.A. and Bulgaria in the field of energy in all its sectoral policies is a key factor for successfully managing this task,” said Minister Malinov.

Stephen Burns and Jeremy Long committed to supporting and seeking opportunities for the United States to provide U.S. LNG to Ukraine and the entire region.

Attracting U.S. strategic partners and strengthening our economic cooperation by providing technology, know-how and expertise in the transformation of Bulgarian energy sector were highlighted as well within the strategic dialogue between the two countries.

Minister Malinov informed his hosts about the development of the Vertical Gas Corridor initiative, which is being implemented by the gas transmission operators of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine and Moldova. “The project will allow access to substantial quantities of liquefied natural gas for Central and Eastern European countries, fully in line with the European priorities for secure and reliable supply,” Minister Malinov pointed out. He recalled that a few days ago, Bulgartransgaz EAD successfully completed the most important public procurement for the project delivery, namely- for planning, design, supply of the necessary materials and equipment, construction and commissioning of new sites for the expansion of the gas transmission infrastructure. The Energy Minister emphasized Ukraine's joining the initiative, which will enable not only the replacement of Russian gas, but will also ensure flows of reliable sources of liquefied natural gas through the gas network and storage of Kyiv. At the same time, the implementation of the Vertical Gas Corridor concept provides an opportunity to exploit the potential of the Ukrainian network also following the imminent suspension of Russian gas transit through the country as of 1 January 2025. “This is the greatest advantage of the Vertical Corridor over any other alternative route for supplying additional quantities of gas to the EU,” the Energy Minister stressed.





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